The Spirit That Runs Through The Holy Tabernacle Church continued

I was estranged from my family, working in advertising doing PowerPoint projects which felt like a dead end, and living alone. When I entered the sanctuary that first Sunday, the heaviness I was experiencing lifted inside of me. In 1995 I began to work on a long term photography project that had me asking lots of deep questions. The Spirit That Runs Through The Holy Tabernacle Church is about transformation, and it started with my own.

Project Description

The Spirit That Runs Through The Holy Tabernacle Church focuses on a Pentecostal congregation in Harlem that has found a way to deal with some of life's most profound questions and most painful situations. Through the lens of an artist's camera, and from the mouths of the people themselves, the lives and beliefs of this African-American community are shared with a diverse audience.

At some point in our lives, we all wonder why war, sickness, hate, violence, injustice, racism and natural disasters exist. Some, like members of the Holy Tabernacle Church, have eventually realized that these

questions have no definitive answer, and may distract us from simpler, more personal questions that can help us to make important changes in our lives: how can I love myself, my neighbor and my enemy? How can I be of service? How can I be a full, compassionate, loving human being? What can I do to help others and get outside my narrow, self-centered world? These questions are central to The Spirit That Runs Through The Holy Tabernacle Church.

What I Learned From This Project

I feel very lucky to have made a spiritual and emotional connection with