Like everything else in life, success has its active ingredients as well. Hard work aside, when I need more wind in my sails to keep me going, I look to the people, places and things that inspire me. They are:
PEOPLE who are committed to a cause and to people in great need like my late grandfather Max Dressler; Pastor Carl J. Graham of Harlem, New York; and Mata Amritanandamayi Devi known as Amma who millions consider to be a modern day saint.
PLACES like India where spirituality is palpable; Italy where love and passion permeate everything; Cuba where music, dance and community connectedness are central to and valued by its people.
THINGS like words of wisdom that come from writers, philosophers, and artists; transformation, or the possibility to become something you never imagined yourself capable of doing or being; creativity or the ability to make something out of nothing.